Video games

I have 3 elder sisters. When I was around 13, one of our favourite pastimes was to frequent video game stores in malls and seedy shop houses. My eldest sis would pay a few bucks and we’d play for a couple of hours. The games were nothing like what we have today, they were just marion brothers type of game play, yet we were always excited and never tire of it.

I remember we would use those consoles with thick cartridges, big CRT tv without even a flat screen and joysticks or keypads, enjoying every minute being immersed in the virtual world, jumping, collecting coins or swinging on trees. Sheer fun.

We don’t normally see girls in these places, just us. I guess today, these places are replaced by cyber cages, although occasionally I still see such shops in smaller towns. Life was so simple back then. Joy so easy to find.

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