Merdeka at Port Dickson

I woke up on Merdeka morning having survived the night’s fire works blasting, wondering where our little family should go. Going to the mall was too typical, plus being a nationwide holiday, I couldn’t imagine the congestion. So just lying there in bed waiting for little Josiah to awaken, I thought of the best plan, breakfast at McD, a time at the indoor playground, then a drive to Port Dickson to play at the beach and a time for crabs and seafood.

So off we went! Being the month of Ramadan, McD was unusually empty. After brekkie and letting Josiah tire himself out at the playground, we made the 1 hour drive to PD. It was perfect as Josiah napped in the car and awoke just as we reached the Haw Wah Seafood restaurant.
There wasn’t as much jam as we had anticipated after all. In fact, half the restaurant was closed seeing that there weren’t that many people.

So we feasted on crabs, Siakap fish, fried prawns and seaweed soup. The whole meal cost RM104.

PD was hot as usual, and we couldn’t go to the beach just yet. How ironic, that being the whole point of the trip. So we just took a drive, went to some of PD’s small malls, like the Oceanic and the PD Walk. Both these places were just so…dead. Some of the shops don’t even have aircond in them.

Then we drove around other beach areas, like Tanjung Biru.

By this time, Josiah took another nap in his carseat. Thank God for carseats.

There weren’t much things to do, when John suddenly wanted to find the famous lighthouse. Finally we found it in Tanjung Tuan forest reserve, and we realised it was already Malacca. It wasn’t really far from PD as well.

We had to walk uphill for 1KM to reach the lighthouse. The walk was tiring but well worth it, it was nice to be surrounded by greenery and wildlife, such as monkeys.

We probably took an hour walking up and finally we saw the white lighthouse. This weren’t the original built by the Portugese lighthouse though, coz the initial one was destroyed and this was built in its place. Nevertheless it was great, too bad we couldn’t go inside.

When we circle the lighthouse, we were almost caught by surprise by the most breathtaking scenery.
It felt almost Hollywood, those scenes where the hero running away from the bad guys jump off the cliff, like in 007. Standing at the edge of the cliff for real, I could feel the impossibility of survival should I ever dared to jump. Oh well, just take in the beauty of it all. I left the lighthouse, feeling a little jealous of Mr Lighthouse who get to overlook such beauty everyday for hundreds of years.

Finally we came down the hill, and made our way to the public beach.

No one could be happier than this little boy who was all smiles. Even though it was still hot, he couldn’t care less , he started running about and playing with the sand. The last time we were here, he coudn’t even walk yet.

It seemed the time at the beach was over too fast. The sun had to set so we had to leave.

Not before we managed to catch the sun disappearing into the horizon. It was a long and tiring drive back, where Josiah even missed his dinner time. I gotta plan better next time and get dinner before heading to the beach.

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