No Sweat

Sweating is a sign of health. Like me, I sweat a lot, even just a little bit of humidity and heat, there goes the water. Because of that, I also need to replenish my body’s liquid constantly by drinking lots and lots. My son has got my sweating symptom, even under a cooling fan, there’s sweat trickling down his forehead.

For a lady, it can be embarrassing to sweat in your office wear, when people can see the sweat stains under “you know where” :P. Armpits la where else! So, getting the right and effective antiperspirants is so necessary. I think I’ve used them since I was in high school. I definitely didn’t want to be boycotted and nicknamed Miss BO. Hhm, when I was in high school, there was a girl that was labeled that. Why weren’t we mature enough to just tell her she can get antiperspirants and save her social life? Well, that’s what teenagers do I guess.

Plus, back in those days, it wasn’t so easy to get good ones. There were only a few to choose from, and they’re not so common either. Today there are so many kinds! Plus they really work. And they smell good, so no BO. BO or body odour is really caused by bacteria especially when we sweat a lot, and all the heat and being covered up etc. So basically, we can kiss goodbye to sweat and proclaim No Sweat!

Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS. Auditions are now open! Check it out at

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