Give thanks for 2009!

Wow, words cannot express how amazing 2009 has been. It has been a year I had to do some real growing up, well, physically, mentally, emotionally, especially spiritually. Looking back now seriously can bring a tear to my eye seeing how well God put everything together, that I couldn’t have made it thus far without Him and His amazing plans for me. I learned how important relationships are, I’ve certainly made many new friends after motherhood, like a door opened to a new world.

Well, first off in January, I turned the big 30!

Needless to say, I don’t feel any different, just that I officially joined the AUNTIE rank in the eyes of the young ones. January was also the last month of being “Just the two of us”, as we awaited the arrival of King Josiah.

Then, it was my very first Chinese New Year away from my parents, away from my home. We were feeling rather home sick then, being away from family and all the celebrations back home, rather saddening eh. So God brought the beautiful family of Fred, Julia, Celeste, Charlene and Caleb who invited us to join them for the CNY eve dinner. I guess we accepted without delay, even though it felt awkward being the only ones that weren’t relatives at a dinner usually meant for family, but we were terrifically blessed.

Come February, the biggest event in my life happened, the delivery of healthy Josiah Lu Yew Jung on Feb 5th. I will never forget the first moment I set eyes on him, it was love at first sight. The following days of coz, is literally lots of craziness and torture, but who cares when I look at that face. The month of February was when I had to do the most growing up, when it was no more just about myself and what I think, but it is about somebody else who is totally dependent on me, when I had to throw all my wants out the window, all my self dependence etc, and just trust and depend on God. It was not easy, seriously.

The rest of the months are eventful every day, and it’s all about baby baby and baby. It was all about, diapers, breastfeeding, feeding, sleep, food, crying etc, which I’m all thankful for. Every step of the way watching a little baby grow, was the most amazing experience ever.

In April, we also found a new nice baby sitter, the Leong family as my sis-in-law decided she really can’t handle this active baby. Now the Leong family is like an extended family for Josiah, he loved them just as much as they love him, so we count our blessings for God’s providence. They are a really cute family as you can see in the pic.

Then in May, I went for my VIVA, an oral presentation and exam for my Msc. It was the most nerve wrecking feeling ever. After all the hard work put in the year before, I couldn’t believe I finally had the chance to present my thesis and make it a fail or pass situation. It was not as bad as I thought, and the results were great, I passed and just needed to rewrite a few things. Well, being a new mom, it was not easy to sit down and rewrite my thesis, so an angel came from God to get things done, literally.

So in August, I finally graduated, with my husband witnessing my graduation. It felt great to finally get it done. Phew! No more late nights squinting and reading small text.

September was the first time we traveled out as a family unit, but not that far, only to Bukit Tinggi resort. Josiah was very amazed with the new surroundings and new sights. It gave us new confidence to travel out more often in future as we had a blast. Later on in December, we also visited Port Dickson, and he really loved the sand.

This year, Josiah also won 2 Parenthood magazine contests, even though I joined a lot more than that, but it’s ok, it’s just for fun. It’s great to have his pic printed in a magazine, coz then I can keep it for a long time and show him when he’s big and grown up.

So much has happened in just a year, what can I say, again Give thanks to God for all He has done.

A new year is about to unfold
With new opportunities to explore
Doors will open for new experiences
New adventures with the Lord

Remember not the former things
The things of this past year
The Lord will do new things in us
Much more than we are aware

For He will make a way for us
As we put our trust in Him
And He will guide our every step
By His presence we have within

What God has placed within our hearts
We find we’ll be able to do
If we look for the opportunities
We’ll see the door to go through

We mustn’t let anything hold us back
But rise up and take our place
And be all that God wants us to be
With a fresh touch of His grace

© By M.S.Lowndes

Chart stoppers

Heaven’s Door Lyrics
Alicia Keys
Straight To The Dance Floor Lyrics
Jamie Foxx
Fever Lyrics
This Can’t Be Love Lyrics
Jennifer Lopez
Fast Forward Lyrics
Get It Girl Lyrics
She’s A Problem Lyrics
Like It, Love It Lyrics
Waiting Lyrics
Beyonce Knowles
Fix Me Up Lyrics

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