You’re not Malaysian enough

I switched on 8tv just now and saw the 1 Malaysia campaign with some of our local celebrities saying 1 line quotes that go, “You’re not Malaysian enough if…” and I was quite annoyed because of the irrelevance of what they say. Most of all was the first quote by 8tv quickie host, Belinda. And her quote goes, “You’re not Malaysian enough if you’ve never lepak at a mamak stall.” The irony is, Belinda is from Kuching, where I am from. And don’t we all know Sarawak is part of Malaysia? And I grew up in Kuching without ever lepaking in a mamak stall. In fact, in certain more interior places of Sarawak, people lepak by the river, not in mamak stalls, coz there aren’t any mamak stalls! So we people in Sarawak who do not lepak in Mamak stalls, we’re not Malaysian enough according to this 1Malaysia concept eh? What more about the indigenous people living in the long houses, they’re not Malaysian enough either? I feel so left out of Malaysia after watching that particular campaign.

One Response to You’re not Malaysian enough

  1. hehe…I was reading this out to my husband… its so true! Ppl forget Sarawak is Malaysia, though sometimes I’m glad for that…

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