Travelling with a breastfed, cloth diapered, natural food baby

We have never traveled out of the house for any holidays with Josiah since he came into this world. So, last weekend we decided to take a short 2 day 1 night trip to Berjaya Hills Resort, Colmar Tropicale. Being the first trip, naturally I was a bit hassled about so many things, particularly how to handle the diapers and the food for baby. The easiest part is the fact that I am still breastfeeding Josiah, so I don’t have to bother about bringing bottles and milk powder. But I was definitely wondering how to bring his food, as I only feed him home made food not commercial food. I normally need to prepare over the night for the food that I will feed him the next day, whether it’s vegetables or fruits. Either that or I’d make a batch and freeze in baby cubes, but I still use a stove and microwave to cook the rice cereals and oat cereals.

So, for the trip, I brought frozen cubes in a cooler bag that I use to carry pumped milk on normal days. Frozen cubes in these bags can last up to 5 hours without a fridge, and the ride we were taking was only about 2 hours anyways. At the hotel, during feeding time, I just take out one cube and boil some water, and put the cube in a glass of hot water to thaw it. I only needed to change the water twice to get the food to room temperature and a bit warm. So it was really easier than I thought.

For the cloth diaper part, I was wondering how many I needed to bring and how I was going to wash them at the hotel. We ended up bringing all the diapers we have, not knowing how to pack that. I even brought double and triple the clothes he needed, and bibs. Most of it went unused needless to say, but you can never predict the situation. At the hotel, Josiah actually just used a few diapers, as we forgot to bring one in the diaper bag when we went to the Japanese village. He did soil one diaper too in the early morning, and I actually washed it in the bathroom and leave it to dry under the fan. But it didn’t really really dry nicely, so I just bring it back in a plastic bag to dry it at home after that. We also used the laundry bag provided by the hotel to bring back all the bibs and dirty clothes. Basically it was really much easier than I thought. I am much more confident to bring him on trips now.

Another thing I was worried about was how to let him take his afternoon naps, as he normally sleeps in the hammock (Sarong). However, while in Bukit Tinggi, I used the Littlepods sling to carry him, (especially when we had to take the shutter bus from the Colmar to the Japanese village, and the bus is the open type, whereby without if I was just carrying him, it runs the risk of him dropping out of the side, the road being so rocky and all) and he actually slept with me carrying him in the sling. Well, that was actually the 2nd time he slept in the sling, the first time being back here in Jusco once when he was so tired out. Maybe the closeness and my heartbeat really soothes him and made him fall asleep. Back at the hotel instead of putting him down on the bed, I just continue to hold him while I sat at the couch, so he can sleep through without interruption. On the next day when he wouldn’t nap on the bed even though he was really tired, I did the same thing. Put him in the sling and walked around the street, and truly enough, he fell asleep after a while. So, I’m so glad now he can sleep in the sling, coz when he was younger, he didn’t like it at all. The only thing is, he is absolutely heavy even in the sling, and I had sore shoulders after carrying him. Next time, I might try using the Naforye carrier I bought from Babybliss store.

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