Alamanda Putrajaya Baby Room

This is only my 2nd time to Alamanda, with Josiah that is. This time it was Sunday, so all the Putrajaya folks are out shopping. Immediately when we got there, Josiah needs to nurse already. So, we proceeded to the baby room, but nearly all is full of people. So we walked from one baby room to another, and ended up at the first one we went to. I think there really is only 2 baby rooms.

Anyways, this time round the room is more dirty than before, well oklar since it’s a Sunday with too many people.

The baby room is actually a big area, with a bench, 2 nursing rooms, 2 toilet cubicles, 2 wash basins, and one large diaper change area.

The diaper change area is good, as we can put many things on it. The material is also the waterproof leather type, so any stains can easily be wiped off. I say this because there are some places that use clothe…very bad.

The nursing room is also quite big. It’s actually a big comfy room, a whole family can hang out there.

There is a marble counter top area for leaving our bags and whatever baby stuffs and an arm chair. On first look, the arm chair looks good enough.

But it is not practical enough. I can’t really sit in it nursing Josiah, as there’s not enough space for his head and legs. So I have to sit with my back on the chair’s arm instead. Not as comfy, really. The person who bought this chair must know nothing much about nursing.
Ok after nursing Josiah, I had no place to put him so had to put him lying on the arm chair, where he tried to roll over.

All in all, I like the design of this place. It is convenient since it is attached to the toilets, so daddies can bring their toddlers to the loo and not have to line up at the regular toilets. However, having the toilets there also make the place dirty faster. As I notice parents who wash their toddler’s butts in the toilet and just spray water all over and then their toddlers walk around without the shoes on. So the whole place is slimy and wet. In one of the nursing rooms, there were also fries on the floor and a couple of near dead cockroaches. Yucks. Nevertheless, still better than Mines. I guess Jusco wins so far concerning cleanliness, convenience and amenities.

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