Changing lifestyle

My daily schedule is so different now compared to just a mere a year ago. Before pregnancy, I used to come back from work at 5.30pm, and I was able to get home in 10 minutes. When I get home, sometimes I cook dinner, but if I was really tired, I would take a nap till John comes back and we go out for dinner. After dinner, we have lots of leisure time, surf net, read books, watch tv whatever. I didn’t used to go to bed until past midnight, yes very unhealthy.

Then during pregnancy, my schedule was pretty much the same until the 2nd and 3rd trimester, when the fatigue sets in. I was easily tired then, after work always need to nap. Then after dinner, I usually fall asleep immediately sitting on the couch. I could never watch a 2 hour movie, I always slept through it, no matter how interesting. They say pregnant ladies need to sleep a lot, how true. I don’t know what kind of hormone causes the sleep. Anyways, so I slept a lot then, and was always sleepy at work even. I guess the body works in a way to make us sleep more than normal cause it knows, after delivery, there is no time for sleep!

Well, after baby is out in the world, the lifestyle is changed 180 degrees. Nowadays, I don’t even cook dinner anymore. We cater our dinner, and I drop by the house to get it after work. Which means my travel time from work to home is extended to 25 minutes at least now. I used to take the highway and speed home, without any traffic lights. Now I have to take the Jln Semenyih which have at least 2 traffic lights that I need to pass.

When I get home, it will be nearly 6pm. I have to put the EBM in the fridge, cook rice in the microwave, take a cow’s bath, rush out to get my baby from the caretaker by 6.15pm. When I get home, I immediately need to bathe Josiah, just a sponge bath now. Right after, I will have to nurse him before bedtime. Sometimes, rarely he will be in a good enough mood for a book, or a short play time. But these days, from the door as I step into the house, he would start sobbing and wants to be nursed, even though he just ate. Sigh, I guess he misses me too much? So, by the time he falls asleep, it would usually be about 8pm. Only then I can have my dinner, watch a bit of tv, clean the house and stuff like that. By 9.30pm, my eyes are already heavy, as I never slept through the night anymore. Josiah wakes up very frequently, nearly every 2-3 hours, sometimes even 1 hour. I would prop him on the bed with his head on my arms to nurse, well at least I’m comfortable enough with nursing lying down now, that I can actually sleep through it.

In the mornings, I wake up latest by 7pm. He might need another nurse, then he takes his bath with daddy. I get some time to get my work stuff ready, my bag etc, as I have to leave the house by 8.15am. Daddy takes him to the caretaker.

So basically, that’s my very changed lifestyle for now. It goes in a circle, not much time for myself at all. I can only console myself that this kind of lifestyle will not last forever. Nevertheless, it is a blessing to be needed and there for him all the time. Before I know it, he will be a big boy and won’t even need me anymore.

Looking forward to…
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2 Responses to Changing lifestyle

  1. Aww… that’s why my mom always said to me, “next time when it’s your turn to be a mom you’ll know!”.

    Salute to u Leona, you’re doing such a great job 🙂 maybe some chicken essence might help you? or, u can’t consume any of that?

  2. Life’s never the same anymore hoh? heheh i totally understand what you’re going through. I need 2 weeks to finish a book now.

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