There are so many electronic stuffs for baby out there in the market, but one thing that is quite necessary for me is a baby monitor. My baby sleeps in my room, and he sleeps early. So, there are times that I don’t want to be sleeping at the same time he does, and since I live in a double storey house, when I’m downstairs, there is no way I can hear my baby unless he cries really loudly. Well, I am definitely not a believer of the ‘cry-it-out’ or ‘ferber‘ method. I believe that babies this young always cry for a reason, and it’s best not to wait until they are totally crying to be attending to them. So far, that has proven true for me…anyways, back to baby monitors.
It’s important to get a good one that you can totally hear clearly from the other end. One that is flexible to change from electric powered to battery powered to be carried around especially the parent unit. One that has a power cord that is long enough so it doesn’t have to be plugged in at sockets. So early on after reading various reviews, I settled for the Lindam Baby Talk. I use this monitor daily, every night after putting my baby to bed, and sometimes when I come down to EBM in the middle of the night, I don’t trust John to be able to hear Josiah’s cry. 😛 Basically, it gives me a peace of mind to know what goes on upstairs. The monitor is so clear that I can actually hear sounds from across the road as the crib is next to the window.
The monitor has a range of up to 200m so that’s really quite far. I place my monitor on the crib handle itself, the monitor has a clip on that can be easily clipped to the side of the crib. It’s important to keep the power cord tucked away, so baby can’t reach for it when they can start grabbing. The baby talk Lindam has a 24hour clock LCD on the baby unit, which I really don’t use. On it is also a night light, which I block from my baby, as I think it’s too bright. I believe Josiah likes total darkness somehow. 😛 The other great thing is, the monitor can even be used if you are deaf, as it has a visual sound monitor. Whenever there is a sound, the led lights up more than one. So one doesn’t need to invest in a camera monitor which are much pricier.