Breastfeeding challenge

While I was pregnant, my colleague asks me if I would breastfeed and for how long. I was 100% confident I will breastfeed, but I also thought I would only do it max for 2 months and then give it up after that. My colleague then asked me to at least try for 6 months and pump at work. Initially, I thought that was too much work, I couldn’t imagine having the trouble of pumping numerous times at work and all the hassle of breastfeeding.

However, when Josiah was born, you can say it was a process of falling in love all over again and just wanting the very best for my baby. So, I challenged myself to breastfeed no matter how hard it was. I admit, during the first month, there were so many times I wanted to give up.

Firstly, due to inexperience and not knowing how to latch the baby on, I got sore nipples that even bleed in the first few days. Imagine it’s already sore, and still you have to breastfeed and felt like bitten by a piranha…. and enduring that pain for days and days…not to mention feelings of inadequacy, feelings of having not enough, and people telling you so as well. I always felt in the beginning like my baby wasn’t getting enough since he kept nursing without stopping, but later I realised that was the baby’s way of making me produce more.

And then I tried pumping, but at that time I only had a manual pump. Ladies, manual pumps does not work! Maybe it works only when you have a steady supply but definitely not for new mothers in the first month. Pumping manually was pure torture on the hands. So, I splurged on an Ameda double pump that cost nearly 1k. It was well worth it, since today I have more than 10 bottles of expressed milk frozen in the fridge for when I get back to work to leave with my care taker.

Today, at nearly 2 months, I still get sore nipples at times! That’s due to wrong positioning at times, and when baby simply latch on to fast before I can position him properly, and sometimes when he’s really hungry he bites really hard. But I must say, it has been a most satisfying journey. My mind has changed, now I want to target at least 6 months, and maybe more if I can. I find it so much easier to breastfeed than to bring milk bottles out. I can just go out with my baby to the mall and sit down and breastfeed when he gets hungry. In fact, so far I had done it publicly in Tesco Semenyih, at the clinic, in the car, and just yesterday at Jusco. However, Jusco has a nice baby room that I can use.

Expressing breastmilk has also gotten easier. I am now up at 2am expressing and blogging. However, I don’t think new mothers should be made to look guilty if they choose not to breastfeed, it’s their baby after all, so it’s really a personal choice. I’m just doing it because I couldn’t find any cons about breastfeeding as opposed to not doing it, benefits for myself, my baby and everything else, far outweighs whatever inconvenience I had first perceived.

5 Responses to Breastfeeding challenge

  1. wah i dunno u were up and blogging as well..i think i pengsan kaw-kaw that hour..I am glad u choose to breastfeed our baby and i know it’s not a easy job cause i was there hearing u shouting in pain when Josiah bite-bite haha…take care!

  2. Hello, i’m also trying to breastfeed, yep, it’s really not easy leh!! Like you, sometimes i feel Peanut is like a barracuda, trying to bite my nipples off! heheh And you really need lots of patience.

  3. What a beautiful writing and it will definitely encourage those who will choose to breasfeed their babies in the future. Actually, there are hospitals that have classes for expecting mothers on breastfeeding e.g. Glenneagles, Ampang. I remembered a nurse approaching me when I was on check up one day. However, I couldn’t go because the time of the class was not right for me. I believe that should be the way so women can have some good ideas and preparations on what to come. Needless to say, we get to meet other mothers and share notes. It is an individual choice and I am glad I made that choice too. My Anna, 3 years old is slowing down now so I know she will stop soon but till then the milk is still flowing.

  4. salute! I’ve got a friend here who’s been breastfeeding for 2 years liao. Breastfeeding is the best thing anyone can do for her child, but just make sure that you don’t manja the kid too much; i see that my friend sometimes is so exasperated cos’ her kid sometimes wants her milk at the most inconvenient time and if she doesn’t give it, she wails…

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