Parenting is definitely not just about motherhood, but fatherhood too. I thank God for my husband who has played a huge role in parenting thus far…
1) The father does the morning baths
Bathing a new born baby is not easy. Although we had the CL to bath Josiah for one month, after that we had to do it on our own. Well, since Josiah is a boy, I leave my husband to do the bathing as part of a bonding process as well…he’s getting totally pro at it. He bathes Josiah every morning before leaving for work, causing him to be a little late nowadays. Well, he says he really enjoyed the time they have together and Josiah seemed to like it too. When daddy bathes him, he’s absolutely quiet, not so when mummy does it! So I give up…
2) The father changes the nappy
Nappy time is very often for a baby, Josiah wets at least 10 nappies a day, that’s using the thickest absorbency in his cloth diaper too. Changing nappy for a boy is double the fun, especially when he sprays mid way while doing it, we can get real wet.
3) The father does the laundry
My husband has been doing the laundry most of the time, and now he’s doing the nappy laundry and baby’s clothes too. What I do after every clothes and nappy change is to soak baby’s clothes in two buckets, then at night when John returns home from work, he would wash them in the washing machine and hang them to dry outside. By morning, some of the nappies are dry and can be reused.
4) The father prepares the food
Well, not cooking per say, but packing it from outside. At the moment there’s absolutely no time to think about cooking, and while I stay at home still, John packs my lunch and dinner. Breakfast just consists of toast and milk. I’m glad he works in Kajang, else I might have to starve daily. Not good for a breastfeeding mum that’s hungry all the time!
5) The father plays with baby
Whenever Josiah is wide awake and yet not hungry, we get to play with him. We sometimes lay him down on his tummy for some tummy time and just talk to him, in baby talk of course. He likes to make all kind of cute sounds…because I see Josiah all the time, sometimes I may tend to neglect this part. Whenever he’s quiet and settled, I would want to lay him down on his bed and do my own thing elsewhere…so here the father’s role is superbly important to give baby a head start in his social life. Hehe.
6) The father provides emotional support
In the first month after delivery, mothers usually feel all kinds of crazy emotions, I know I did. From self pity, to self doubt, to lack of faith, to loneliness etc etc. That’s what they call postpartum blues, and if not dealt with, can lead to depression! I know I can be happy one day and sad another, especially when dealing with a baby that I couldn’t understand at most times. Plus all the body aches and breastfeeding pain just bring you down…so the father’s role here is of utmost importance. They don’t need to do anything but just needs to be there, giving support by their presence, as well as by helping. For example, while feeding Josiah, I’d need water, and it’s out of reach. So I need my husband to be around to get it for me. So for the first month, he would wake up even in the middle of nights to bring me a cookie or to bring me a drink or whatever it is that I needed.
So I’m so thankful to John for being there for me and baby when the going gets tough. Especially the first month when it’s simply an emotional roller coaster ride..cannot be avoided.
Mom Blogs – Blogs for Moms…
awww!! john is soooo sweet and such a blessing! this is great team work!
To have a husband like that is a heavenly blessing and should be acknowledged. I am thankful my husband is one great helper too ever since our first born. What a great way to start off your family!