Week 4 with Josiah

Josiah made his first month visit to the clinic today for his jab, immunisation from Hepatitis. This would be the 2nd jab since birth. We left for the clinic as early as 7.30am, there’s always a long line. There, we took a number and waited…while they checked Josiah, I was also given postnatal checkup, blood test, weight check, blood pressure and all that..everything came out normal.

As for Josiah, he has certainly gained weight and grown taller.

Weight: 4.36kg
Height: 56 cm
I can certainly feel his weight when carrying him!
So at the clinic, it took nearly 2 hours for everything to be checked. The doctor checked his bum too for rashes, we were then given zinc oxide as it was quite bad. Basically, from one station to another, we have to wait in line, even just to get the medications. So, halfway at the pharmacy, Josiah was getting totally hungry. Thank God there is a breastfeeding room, a pretty nice comfy one. I managed to nurse him there while John wait for the medication. Overall, service at the government clinic is great, you just need to have the luxury or time.

So how has Josiah been throughout the week? I would be kidding to say it was all easy. There are days which is predictable, but there are days when things are really crazy. Like yesterday, when he didn’t sleep throughout the afternoon, and into the night. When babies get tired without their naps, they tend to get really fussy. I realised that it could be his cloth diaper problem. You see, we have been using traditional cloth diaper in the day and disposable at nights. The prob with traditional lampin is that baby cannot stand it when it is wet. So, Josiah is pretty much a heavy wetter, like needing a change every half hour or so…so when it’s wet, he can’t sleep, when he’s been changed, he wakes up and can’t go back to sleep. So it goes in a cycle, in the end, both of us are frustrated and tired! So, finally, I have to splurge and get those modern pocket diapers. Just trying out with 4 first from Coolababy and Fuzzi Bunz and see how it goes. I might go for fitted diapers later or more pocket diapers.

At the moment, I am still breastfeeding with about 120ml of supplements, like today when he breastfeed for 2 hours and still hungry! No choice…all for the best of the baby…

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