I’m beginning to like Nuffnang much more now. I was using Nuffnang for ad placements since April of 2007, and since has yet to earn anything that is enough for cashout at all, even though I was a Glitterati member since January. I thought these local dudes won’t be able to help much anyways, so didn’t pay lots of attention to them. Then in July, Nuffnang decided to send me an email concerning my lousy ad placements which goes like this.
Dear Leona Lim,
Of late you might have noticed that you have gotten fewer ads, and thus less earnings on leonalim.com/. While we have tried selling your ad space, advertisers have chosen not to place ads on your blog due to the suboptimal placement of your Center unit, or perhaps due to the clutter that surrounds your ad unit.
Could we trouble you to perhaps correct your blog placement so that it might make it easier for us to sell your ads to our advertisers?
Your leaderboard and skyscraper ad units should be visible when your blog loads; the large rectangle ad unit should be below the first post. All ad units should be visible on the main page.We hope that this will help us sell your ad space more effectively. Thank you.
Ok cool, I didn’t realise that. So, I decided to do something about the placements, make it like that wanted it. That coupled with their metered and buffered earning new system, I begin to notice significant changes in the earnings. I hope that it’d be very soon before I can get my cheque cashed out…
Just curious, approximately how much MYR do you make with Nuffnang Ad Boxes in your blog?
If do don’t sharing, that is. 🙂
Cheers. 😀