I’ve always been a Panasonic Fangirl, if there’s such a word. Whenever I’m checking out electronic devices, Panasonic would be first on my list. So imagine how happy I was when I found out that they have released this small wonder.
This digital camcorder is a little different from the rest in the pack because it doesn’t have a tape, DVD or Hard disk, it simply records video to an SD Card, making it just about the smallest digital camcorder that actually works.
What really captures me is also the fact it has 10x optical zoom, I cannot live with anything less that that amount of zoom! And a total plus side to that zoom lens is the ability to capture still images like a digital camera with totally clear pictures with flash unlike most camcorders that can’t really take pictures well. My sis uses a MiniDVD Sony camcorder and claims she needs to bring her camcorder and digital camera around for shooting and it’s really bulky. Her boss happen to have this Panasonic SD camcorder and she said it’s really solid and captures videos very clearly too.
Another advantage besides the very small size is it’s pre-record function, now this is pretty cool especially if you’re shooting events. Just press the pre-record and wait for the action to happen, when it happens, it’s usually to fast to catch with a normal camera, but with this function, once you actually press REC, the first few moments are still captured.
Well, it’s still got loads and loads of function, but read it more here. I’m just stating the functions that I really like. I’m thinking of getting this camcorder soon in next few month’s time, and the best thing is the price tag. It costs only RM999!
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