11 weeks

Today, I went for the 2nd checkup at Klinik Dr. Bedi. This time, John followed me in so he can see baby too. So it’s the normal checkup, taking my blood pressure, stand on the scale, and the ultrasound. My weight has increased another 1.5kg. Is it from last night’s party, eating too much?

Baby’s head has increased in size. Hands have also developed. It was interesting, looking at the picture from the ultrasound. Unfortunately, I once again forgot to ask for a copy of the pic. So, next time ok. I have to go back earlier next month as the doc is going away for a while, on holiday I guess.

So far, I’ve been feeling fine, besides being super sleepy at work, and hungry all the time. I haven’t had any cravings for any particular food, but food is definitely on my mind the whole day and night. Though I still take the same kind of breakfast, milk and oatmeal, apple a day, and no supper. So, I believe I’m still pretty much on the healthy track. I’m just eating a lot more for lunch and dinner and mini treats in between. Kinda need to munch on a Weetameal every couple of hours. Earlier on, I thought of ice-cream but went for a Yogurt instead.

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