Home test kit

On 20th June, we decided to do a home test. We went to Watson’s a got a Dip and Tell home test kit. According to online pregnancy calculators, I should be 6 weeks preggie at the time. So we got this test kit that comes with a container, well, it’s a urine test. It’s as easy as dip it in and if one line appears, it means you did the test correctly, and if a 2nd line appears, means it’s positive. So, I woke up early that morning and quickly did the test, and within seconds the 2nd line appears! I am confirmed pregnant after all.

How does it feel? It feels kind of unreal at first. Even though I already know from the symptoms and bloatedness, I just really needed the confirmation. We’re happy and blessed that it was the first try to get pregnant and we got pregnant immediately when we really wanted a baby. So, God is good and really good with the timing. I am heading to Penang for the weekend, and when I come back, will go and visit a gynae for check-up. Double confirmation!

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