Myanmar crisis, how you can help

Myanmar Cyclone Appeal AG from leonalim on Vimeo.

Those who watch the news would have known about Cyclone Nargis that swept the nation of Myanmar and left probably up to 100 thousand people dead just like that. This certainly brings back memories of Tsunami four years ago.

The world springs into rescue motion, as we know we are all living on the same earth. What can happen there can happen anywhere else. Frustrations set in as finances are scarce, lives are being lost, and survivors have little hope of living amidst starvation and lack of necessities. In Malaysia, we have probably never had to battle with natural disasters like that, but hopefully we will not ignore the cries of help from Myanmar.

This weekend in our church, we’re getting our people to give in aid to the relief workers who will bring in the help, food, medicines etc, all of which needs money. Out of the little that you have, give, because in moments like this, every Ringgit can make a difference. We are channelling the funds primarily through WAGRA (World AG Relief Agency).

Others who would like to help assisting AGWM and the Myanmar AG in easing the suffering of multiplied thousands, may donate securely online at to make a donation on your credit card.

Alternatively, you can channel your funds to WorldVision Malaysia, who already have people in Myanmar doing the work. So far, the team there has distributed clothing, blankets, tarpaulins, 35 metric tons of rice, 18,000 liters of drinking water and 150 gallons of diesel fuel to allow generator pumps to supply water.

Since they’re having overwhelming enquiries from people asking how they can contribute, I’m just going to put up their guidelines here to make it easy for you to give. It’s as easy as ABC!

1. Download this donation form. (please provide your fax no here)
2. ONLY for this emergency case, Telegraphic Transfer (for those overseas) and Direct Deposit will be made available. Please bank in to our account at MAYBANK (MBB) 514600139710 payable to WORLD VISION MALAYSIA BHD.
3. However, please email / fax to us your donation form together with your bank slip/TT advice WITHIN 3 WORKING DAYS after banking in (please refer to our main website for contact details). If you are faxing in, please also write down your name, contact number and ‘Myanmar Cyclone’ on the bank in slip. Please follow up with a call to ensure that we have received your fax. Kindly note that if we fail to receive your donation form and bank in slip, your donation will be treated as Anonymous and be channeled towards our General Donation fund.
4. We are unable to accept GIRO due to our organization’s name registered as BERHAD
5. Donations via CREDIT CARD are highly encouraged

I suggest you just print the form, fill in your credit card details and fax it in immediately. If you’re not in Malaysia, then do check out WorldVision websites in your country. For eg. Worldvision US website, you can do it online immediately. I’m not very sure if other countries can contribute from their website however. So give give give, and continue to PRAY for the people of Myanmar. They really need extraordinary strength right now and a supernatural encounter to turn things around.

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