Sarawak’s Bird’s Nest


What is that big, square, yellow building? You can find lots of such buildings in Sarikei, as you drive along the village road. These are actually ‘house nests’ for harvesting bird’s nest. Swiftlets are raised and bred in these house-like structures that in one glance may look like a prison.


Traditionally, bird’s nest harvesting used to be done in caves like Gua Niah, but today, these buildings are used, as harvesting in the caves are really risky and dangerous. Thus, bird’s nests are so pricey. This also gives bird’s nest harvested in buildings a lower grade.


Don’t worry as the nutritional value is actually the same. The process of achieving a high quality bird’s nest product can seem quite cruel to animal activists. Wiki says that in these ‘house nests’ that were built to attract swiftlets to come and build their nests, when the wrong nests were built, they will be destroyed with the eggs in it.

Eew, now do you still want to eat bird’s nest? The bird’s nest that have no proven nutritional value? People just take them based on an ancient Ching dynasty belief that is it restorative to lung, stomach and kidney neural system. Well, judge for yourselves.

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