Airasia 300000 Free Seats Promo is back


Airasia is at it again, with its infamous free seats offer. “Siapa cepat dia dapat” is the motto here, meaning who’s the fastest gets the offer. I checked the site this morning for Labour day period (May 1st) and surprisingly there were free flights to Kota Kinabalu, a place I’ve been meaning to go for a long time. At first, there were flights on 30 April evening that were at RM0, I thought I can work in the morning and only go to the airport later, so can use half day leave. But after keying in all the card details, the site went down. Gosh! The usual…

Then after logging back in, I found that Airasia site did not save my flight booking, so I had to redo again. But the flight with the appropriate time was no more. So I had to settle for the only free flight on that day, which is at freaking 6.50am! I snatched it before it is also gone, but that means, on that day, we have to find a driver instead of taking the train like we usually do.

Anyways, so the good news is I’m going to Kota Kinabalu finally! And this is in time for us to celebrate our anniversary too. 🙂 Lobsters, crabs, prawns…wait for me…

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