Great treasures amongst others

There aren’t many places to hang out in Kajang town, but one of the newest is Metropoint. On the top floor there is a huge empty slot that usually holds some kind of fairs. Last week, I was lucky to be walking around there and managed to take a look at Times Warebook Book Clearance Fair. There were so many books it would normally take me some hours to browse through.

I did find lots of books I would really like to buy, but not all were extra cheap, although many were up to 90% off. I managed to buy a couple that I think would be great reads on those cosy rainy days, curled up on the couch with the TV off.

I bought Bling by Erica Kennedy at only RM15.

bling This is actually a book about the Hip Hop music industry and the life of a small town girl whose talent was discovered, and later how she got caught up in the glitzy lifestyle of the rich and famous. I haven’t read this book, but I think it’s gonna be great.

The other book I bought was Faith, God and Rock and Roll by Mark Joseph. I bought this for RM10.

faith This is not fiction, but it’s actually about Rock artistes who are Christians and how they don’t want to be labeled Christian or a Christian band, but how they actually have a bigger mission than wearing a name tag and being shelved under Gospels in the bookstore. Very interesting book, I really like it. You can find some big names in here, like U2, Creed, POD, Sixpense none the richer and much much more. This is what I can’t put down at the moment.

I must admit I have too many books read halfway and abandoned. Some are good books collecting dust in the shelves. Time is not you friend, somebody said. I do yearn for those times in my teens when I can just sit on the cosy couch, do nothing but bury my face in a good book…

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