So finally, life is back to normal! After months of going crazy organizing this conference and concert, it is OVER! Everything turned up better than I expected, forget the problems that cropped out. That’s just normal… I think I had a blast. The only sad thing I felt was not really being able to go to the workshops and just sit and listen. I did manage to sit in Worship Leadership for a good hour and a bit of Productions with Lauren. It was so different the productions and drama they do, and such an eye opener. I don’t really know how it can possibly be implemented here, but we’ll see. Ideas are great.
The conference was great, it was a blessing to see all kinds of people from all kinds of churches just gathered in one place, with one purpose. Amazing! Looking at the evaluations, I just round up and say most people got something from here and learned something and were totally blessed.
And then there was the concert. We had this beautiful concert hall in Dewan Wawasan PGRM.
We rushed there right after the conference, set things up and stuff.
Expressyve dancers did a fantastic job to wow the crowd, especially our Nigerian brothers with their flexible moves!
And of course, take a look at Jessy‘s blog for more amazing pics she’s got! That girl’s on the way to be a Pro photographer! And thanks for Baldwin’s vid too. Check it out. It was just an amazing time doing this with all the different people, something we’re gonna learn and keep it forever.