Panasonic I-Inverter Refrigerators


In a couple of hours, I might be carrying a huge debt on my credit card to pay off this baby. Panasonic just launched their brand new inverter compressor refrigerators recently, aptly named I-Inverter. I had been faithfully using Panasonic products only whenever I can, simply for the quality that I can’t complain about, despite many haters saying all the parts are Made in China. Who cares… aren’t everything nowadays?

The difference with the I-inverter though is it’s claimed that the compressor is direct from anime land. Anyways, we don’t really desire parting with huge lumpsums of money just to upgrade a fridge, but basically this is going to be our first fridge. The Elba that has been faithfully serving us, is not even ours. It actually belonged to our Korean friend, and we were just taking care of it by using it. 😛 But now they’re coming back by next week, and the inverter series launched, so we decided to get it.

So what’s so unique about the inverter compressor? For one, it may help to save up to 30% electricity.
According to

Standard compressors only have one speed.

Imagine that you´ve just come back from vacations. Your refrigerator was off (unplugged) for almost two weeks. You plug it in, switch it on and… the compressor starts to rave, running at the same RPM for hours till the moment it reaches the optimum temperature.

After reaching it, it will turn off. Then on again and in next 20 minutes off. Wait, now it is on… no, no, it´s off again, but wait…

The inverter compressor will help the system reach it’s ideal temperature quicker by running at a higher RPM for a shorter length of time and then ramping down to maintain temperature.
The technology allows the system to detect subtle fluctuations in the temperature and adjust automatically.”

Now that sounds cool to me. The fridge is the 2nd largest electricity consumer to the air cond. And we hardly use aircond anyways, so that makes the fridge the biggest user. But like I mentioned, it’s absolutely not cheap, so we’re just gonna be in debt

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