Airwick ads


Local TV has been showing this Airwick UK Ad where a housewife elephant showed us how to use Airwick’s automatic spray. The advert on our local TV has been dubbed over with our local accent and shows an elephant cleaning her house and finding a dirty pair of shoes belonging to her son, who is a centipede. She proceeds to throw the shoe into a closet full of smelly shoes and Airwick supposedly helps to minimize that smell. I actually found this advert disturbing for the fact that an elephant can have a centipede as a son, with a picture of a giraffe hanging on the wall even, assuming that’s the father. Until I searched out the original advert here did I realize that the centipede is supposed to be the husband of the elephant, not the son. As Mrs Elephant finds the shoe on the shelf, she exclaims, ” I don’t worry how many times my husband leaves his trainers out. Airwick Freshmatic takes care of it”. I can’t find the Malaysian version online, but I’m pretty sure it said something about the centipede being the son. Oh why did they change the meaning? The original idea was so much easier to accept. Anyways, there’s this whole range of animated Airwick commercials using all kinds of animals. The animations are really great, especially the octopus version.

3 Responses to Airwick ads

  1. Nice ad. Havent seen the one on local tv. Hardly watch tv anyway. It makes more sense tht the centipede is the husband. Don even want to know how their kids are gonna look like. urrgghh!

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