Making a name

My sis Gabby is really making a name for herself in Sarawak’s artist scene.

Gabby with her art pieces

Gabby in the papers

Gabby in the papers

Ever since I was born, my sis had been drawing, and I don’t mean those kiddy kinds of drawings. I even followed her to a few art competitions in Kuching when I was young, like at the museum and such…of course, she always gets the price and all I got was a sun tan. 😛 But nonetheless, I learned lots of stuff concerning art from her, especially in portraiture. Still it’s not really my gifted area I guess, she’s got the great gift of that, and obviously, Sarawak art society has found that out.

So if you’re in Kuching, pop by the Art Exhibition at Crown Square Shopping Centre happening since January 6 to Feb 16. Buy her art ok! They’re priceless….

2 Responses to Making a name

  1. Looks good. Has she thought of exhibiting in KL or even abroad? Contact the Australian High Commission’s cultural attache to see if she can show her works in Sydney or melbourne. It’s worth a try. Good luck and Happy Chinese New Year to you.

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