Zooomr buggy

I have a problem with Zooomr! Zooomr claims they love Bloggers so much they decided to give away pro accounts. I manage to get my Pro account with the snap of fingers (yea rite) but I photo page always points to the “500 Internal Server Error” page. Check it for yourself. Yea it’s supposed to be Beta still, but can it be this buggy? It’s not good to be so buggy if you’re trying to get people to jump from the Flickr bandwagon to this one…so I tried to contact Zooomr technical side or something…but there’s no support! There’s no link on the site to contact them or anything…correct me if I’m wrong. So I had to go to the blog and leave a comment there asking for help. But for days now there’s still no reply.

Wassup? Me thinks I’m gonna skip to Picasa Web albums to check it out now…

4 Responses to Zooomr buggy

  1. Hey, sorry about the delay! Here’s an update:

    1) There’s a bug in SmartSets on certain tags that has been fixed for our next release due out next week.

    2) I have changed the tag on your SmartSet so that it doesn’t cause the error (and you can see your photos again).

    If you have any other problems, feel free to email me.

    Best and more anon,

    Kristopher Tate
    cto & founder — bluebridge tech / zooomr

  2. I find the zooomr URL a bit annoying. Ok, maybe a little more than annoying. I always can’t remember how many Os and Ms are in the URL name. And mis-spelling brings you to some cyber-squatter all the time.

    and yes, Picasaweb looks cool.

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