My photo for racial unity

Some time last year, Leila, a beautiful indie singer and songwriter wrote to me concerning wanting to use my Cambodian boy picture for her new album merchandise, some bag she was gonna use it on. Hadn’t heard from her since, until I received a letter from her recently, in which she gave me her previous album, her concert vcd and wrote me a sweet letter. 🙂


Letter for me

I watched her vcd and listened to her songs, she’s pretty good for her genre of music. I don’t listen to Latin and stuff, but her her stuff were really quality music, being an indie musician and all.

If you’re interested in Latin and Brazillian tunes, do check Leila out at her web

One Response to My photo for racial unity

  1. I got an email asking my permission to use my photo recently. Its the matang bridge before it fell. They are gonna use it for a publication about sarawak’s historical monuments. How I wish they will send me a copy of that. But no news from them after I sent the photos. Hah, I would rather get a request like yours. At least you have a free cd. heh.

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