Hi guys, check out ArmyofThree‘s revamped site. I put a lot of hours into it when I had to upgrade to WP 2.0.1 so thought I might as well integrate the existing Gallery 1 into Gallery 2 and with some tweaks to the new WPG2 template, and walla…what do you think? Now it looks more smooth as you go from the main site to the Gallery. I think the Siriux template in Gallery 2 looked nicer than the vSlider template that came together in the WPG2 package.
I also found the amazing Podpress plugin. Messed with it a bit and created the first podcast for AOT. The plugin is really fantastic coz it makes it so easy to upload your pre-recorded audio file and make it playable on your blog. If you have Itunes, subscribe to it via this link. Don’t know how to do that? Just go Advanced>Subscribe and enter that url. Unfortunately, using this plugin, I can only have the audio posted to the main page and not to a specific audio page or something. There are other ways, but that defeats the purpose.
nice! good job!