Going home at last!

Hey I’m going back people! To Kuching! Finally going home tomorrow! I have yet to pack, this is the first time I have super a lot of things to pack! So I’m carrying a huge heavy luggage back, not to mention my heavy baby Ibook. I’m so excited to get back right now, I don’t know why? Furthermore, my former high school is having a St Teresa St Joseph 10 year reunion on 31st Jan! Yea, it would be a great opportunity to see everyone in one go, given my terrible skills of keeping in touch…I would so love to see how these people, some that I haven’t seen for decade now, are getting on with their lives. My, it would be sooo interesting. Gee, I hope I remember names. Somemore it’s at Victoria Arms, where I used to hangout even when I was underaged, hehe.

Happy Chinese New Year and Happy Holidaying to all!

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