Well overdue memorable moments

Last CG, Joanna asked us to think about our best memory of 2005. When I think about, 2005 will definitely be a year of many new things for me…there’s the mission trip to Cambodia, the shopping trip to Bangkok, my sis got married, many new friends, getting involved in the Christmas play, and even singing carols in Metro Kajang!

carolers in red

By the way, thanks to Ms Charlene Tan I finally can put up some pics of that particular memorable day.


And then we had to think of the worse memory of 2005…hhm that’s a hard one. Not that life is so smooth sailing or what. but er, I have bad memory, and you know how we are taught to forget bad stuff? So it’s like pushed to one side of the brain and it’s hard to take it out again…not that it’s entirely forgotten, but taking out bad memories is like opening a can of worms…ok maybe not so bad.

So when I got home, I was still thinking of what’s the worse memory. I guess there are some bad memories, although no more affecting me at this moment, and none as bad as in previous years. And it all involves people and relationships…one was a time when somebody said something to me. I even blogged about it then. It wasn’t a big deal, but it affected me badly emotionally, like for, er, a day? Haha. Then I got over it thanks to God for showing His promises for me…

Then there was this friend I knew for the longest time, since I was that naive teen…some stupid words and actions caused the friendship to never be the same again…although we are still friends, it is really not the same…well, I guess life demands we move on to better pastures. I choose not to live life in regrets. It’s all a choice that we make isn’t it. A friend sent me an email today, that says, 10% of the things that happened in life we may not be able to control, but 90% of the time we can make the choice to react differently, to say something encouraging and not demeaning. So why not choose to be happy, to be blessed, to be a blessing, to be a better friend, to be pleasant, to rejoice, to be thankful.

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