250MB Hotmail True Tip!

In March last year, I posted the steps of how to get your hotmail to be 250Mb instead of the miserly standard 2Mb (a rarity these days) email account. To date, many have benifited from it, some managed to achieve 250Mb themselves, and others get stuck with the automatic 25Mb. I was one of those that waited and waited, and 3 months passed and no 250Mb.

Sometime in November, I decided to do a little experiment of my own upon hearing some rumours on how to make it 250Mb. I hardly get mail in my hotmail account, as I use Gmail all the time…besides the Junk that gets in. Therefore, even at 25Mb, it could never get full. I started to wonder, what if the smart Hotmail programmers made it in such a way that you’d only get what you really need…meaning if you never utilise the full 25Mb, they’d find no point in giving you 250Mb. Having realised that, I wondered how to fill up my inbox to that extent. I can’t keep emailing myself from another account right.

So, I thought of something else..since I get like more than 10 emails daily on Gmail, I might as well do autoforwarding to Hotmail to make it reach its limitation.

hotmail size

And voila, today as I checked my Hotmail, it’s 250Mb finally! Try it out now!

7 Responses to 250MB Hotmail True Tip!

  1. aiks… i tried your old steps first and it worked as in i have 25 MB so cool… i did for my dad as well coz he always complain no space!
    now… need to learn from u how to get the 250MB 😉
    Ms.Leona Expert in COmpz Lim

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