We can make the choice in times like these


Sometimes we feel stupid when we say the wrong things.
Sometimes we feel sad when things don’t happen the way we expected.
Sometimes we feel crushed when we get rejected.
Sometimes our hearts get broken when people’s words were like knives that stabbed us.
Sometimes we struggle when we can’t handle the problems.
Sometimes we get stressed when we don’t know how to reach the solutions.
Sometimes we feel confused when different opinions are thrown at us.
Sometimes we feel like giving up, letting go, when the going gets too tough.

At one point or other in our lives, we are bound to face these challenges that threaten to make us fall, that threaten to make us failures. What do we do when these happen? Do we give in, do we make ourselves strong, do we build walls, do we shy away, do we choose to rejoice even amidst troubles? The choices we make at these points of our lives, probably will make us who we will be later.

I don’t think I face many of these challenges in my lifetime, it only happens ‘sometimes’. But even in these sometimes, I do struggle pretty hard to get out of it. In recent months, it happened more than I expected. This leads me to think hard on how I can take it in good light and learn from these situations, learn to trust in God to make me better, to meditate on his Words, and as I discovered recently, to make the choice to rejoice.

kuching waterfront

Yes we can choose. It seems most normal that when we feel down, we just want to drown in our own sorrows and self pity. However, doing that will not get us any further but will only drag us down into feeling worse for ourselves. Therefore, whenever such an attack of our emotions should happen, the best thing to do is grab the bible, read on the scriptures of God’s promises, and then choose to just say, I will rejoice in this day that the Lord has made, for He is risen. The Words of God will come alive in us and renew us that very moment we made such a choice.

Jesus once said, “In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world.” Even if we live righteously does not mean trouble will not come on us. I guess it will happen again and again anyways. But it is how we react to it that will make us different.

When we are going through difficulties our natural response is frustration, anger, even depression… how can we be joyful? The words of James (chap 1:2-4) was a real encouragement.

“..whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything.”

I guess it’s not easy, but it’s a choice we have to make to overcome these problems. Let’s not ask Why certain things happen, but ask What we can do after that to be stronger in character and ready for anything. Choose to rejoice in Christ in spite of your troubles, and you will certainly find joy again.

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