The Happy Drink

People have a tendency to turn to alcohol when the going gets tough. Alcohol apparently can make you forget your problems temporarily and makes one happy for a short period of time, especially when taken with the right company. It is definitely a short term escape route, but it doesn’t solve any problems.

But alcohol for me, may only stir bad memories and experiences, even more apparent since last night. Last night, my housemates and I celebrated one of our housemate’s birthday. We celebrated by drinking Carlo Rossi and Wall’s Ice-cream. Having downed one bottle of the grape juice, we proceeded to play cocktail mixing with one of my housemate’s many bottles of spirits. It was pretty hazardous, I forgot how many glasses I took as well. We continued with playing UNO to see how sober we were still, of course, some of us were not really.

A few more glasses after, the girls were laughing and giggling, then we decided we should get tucked in. Supposedly, a good dose of alcohol would make one comfortable enough to sleep. But it was not working out for me. I ended up not sleeping at all, I was so sober and so alert, but yet, my body was not taking the reaction of it all nicely. It was such a torture to toss and turn in bed, whole lot of things going through my mind, unable to sleep, and yet feeling so tired. I didn’t know whether it was physical or psychological….I really should stay away from such ‘Happy Hour’ Nights for a while till I figure out this problem.

2 Responses to The Happy Drink

  1. wah so fun ah? hehehe.. ok maybe you didn’t have that much fun after all. i think the key is to drink in moderation and not go over the top. unfortunately that’s easier said than done because your judgement can get impaired after a few drinks….

  2. well my judgements wasn’t impaired or anything, in fact i was far from being drunk. maybe i was sick somewhere in the head. u know, like the brain cannot stop working…

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