It’s been a particularly slow day. Yesterday, I was so engrossed in work until i forgot to eat, today time is just passing too slowly. Therefore, let me tell you the story of Noah’s Ark!
I’m quite sure most people have heard this story. It’s a story from the Bible, and maybe some other historical texts. Noah’s Ark isn’t just any children’s story we heard in Sunday School or kindergarten, it was history, and it had pretty significant meaning. Besides, archaelogists did find the remains of the Ark some 20 years ago.
Anyways, some thousands of years ago, there was a guy called Noah. He lived in a time, when people were just bastards. If you think we’re in living in an era of violence and lawlessness now, well, let’s just say it was 10 times worse back then. So, Noah’s neighbours and countrymen did nothing but eat, drink, (alcohol 40% above), have fun, think evil from day to night, did violent and evil stuff. Yea the list goes on. Basically, human beings at the time we were low, that God had no choice but to destroy them. You know, at the time as well, there was no such thing as rain. The weather was just the same throughout the Earth, there was no need for rain. So, really people know nothing about rain then.
And so, as God wanted to destroy mankind and rebuild everything through a great Flood, He found one good man among the lot, it was Noah and his family. So, I guess God decided to spare Noah, so Noah was given a task. He was to build a really large ark, to contain himself, his family and a pair of all the animals created, for reproduction purposes.
The ark was huge, probably the size of ten medium sized semi-D houses. Imagine, Noah had to build this thing. But henever questioned God, coz He believed. Some more, he had to build it on top the hill. Imagine chopping trees and carrying it up the hill and building the magnificent thing. all the more, his countrymen mocked him daily for doing it, up to 100 years.
I think 100 years in our day is enough time for repentance, no? Well, apparently not enough for the people of those days, marrying and giving in marriage, drinking and eating and simply living for the heck of it, you know, actually not much difference from today. Violence, rape etc, is such a major problem today, and at most times associated with alcohol abuse. Recently, in the papers was a story of an 18 year old boy, going back home after a drunken night. As he got back, the neighbour’s dog was barking at him. Obviously pissed, he climbed over to the neighbour’s house. Killed the dog, murdered the neighbours, and elderly couple, and even killed their teenage daughter. Just one of many examples, what violence is in this world. It is definitely increasing, reading the local papers sucks sometimes, with all these happenings going on.
Marrying and Giving in Marriage (The Million Dollar Wedding) (photo from Bernama)
Therefore, in the days of Noah, it was worse. Man had a choice then, repent, believe in God, believe Noah, get saved in the Ark, but they didn’t. The Ark was then mankind’s only hope, the one and only way to safety, to salvation. If man had believed the Flood was coming, they may not have perished. The same way, the Ark signifies Jesus Christ, the Son sent to give salvation to mankind today. God did make a covenant with Noah, that He will never destroy earth the same fashion He did at the time. So, forget about those end times movies about great waters destroying the whole world.
i can’t imagine they can even do tat.. i mean de couple! crazy ar..? tis kind of thing also can b done! u r god’s creation! u should not do that! i hate tat couple! good for nothing!!!!!!
another thing.. i realli hate seeing their picture..! i can’t imagine a guy married 2 a guy! eventhough u change ur image 2 a gurl.. u r still a guy! just accept de fact! a doctor somemore!
yucks……. God doesn’t condone this sort of marriages…….. anyways, i read the papers once in a blue moon, due to the terrible news splashed out everywhere, everyday…….. better read the Good News everyday than reading bad news =/
I think you’ve told your message in a really simple but great way.