Don’t you just hate it?

Let me just rave and rant for a while, something I think I rarely do here. Don’t you just hate last minute work? Especially if it’s somebody else’s inefficiency that causes the last minute thing to be neccessary? For me, punctuality is most important, and punctuality isn’t just about going to work on time, going to meetings on time. Punctuality even refers to doing one’s designated work within your given time, and considering other people’s time when doing so, especially if one’s work needs to be checked and rechecked, modified and so on.

“The best-laid plans, the most important affairs, the
fortunes of individuals, the wealth of nations, honor, life
itself, are daily sacrificed because somebody is ‘behind
time.’ There are men who always fail in whatever they
undertake simply because they are ‘behind time.’ There are
others who put off reformation year by year, till death
seizes them; and they perish unrepentant, because for ever
‘behind time.’ Five minutes in a crisis is worth years. It
is but a little period, yet it has often saved a fortune or
redeemed a people. If there is one virtue that should be
cultivated more than another by him who would succeed in
life, it is punctuality; if there is one error that should
be avoided, it is being ‘behind time.'” – Freeman Hunt

I usually love pressure at work, it gives me a sense of challenge and satisfaction! However, I’m not saying that I’m all smiley when I’m working under pressure haha. However when pressure is caused by someone’s negligence in values, then it ticks me off! It feels like crap to have to pick up after the mess! It works like this, you’re already busy with your own work, which you have properly scheduled to be finished within your own time, when pops in the crap work from somebody else that you suddenly need to work on urgently, leaving your schedule behind time. Before you know it, you gotta rush like mad on their work and your own work, and you can’t give the best due to the short time. I hate it! The sudden madness of it all. Your brain gets torn apart to where your priorities should go. Feels like you got your time stolen! Ok maybe this never really happened to me so many times, at least not to this extreme. But don’t you just hate it when it does?

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