City Harvest KL and Singapore was having a Worship Convention at Sunway Convention Centre for the last three days. My schedule was packed for Mon and Tues and can only go yesterday. This time round, they were promoting their newly released Album, called Cross.
So their worship songs all from that album wan. It’s all catchy and unique in its own way, but most importantly, they are really great anointed songs. So many people bought the album after that! Ok including me, I splashed out RM50 for a DVD and got it signed. After all, it’s much cheaper here than in Spore where the price would be $25….which would be like RM56.6446954
Anyways, back to the service, it was one word…AWESOME! I learned one thing, it’s not enough to put God first. We must put God only. I mean, we’re always talking in church about First is God, second is family, third is career etc etc. But what the heck. This verse came to mind:
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God.” –Rom. 8:28
Then I learned another thing, that serving in church and all is not about me having talents, therefore I serve in that area. It’s not about what I can do, it’s about what God wants me to do. If it’s just serving serving serving out of the abilities we have, we’re just gonna dry up and lose the God Factor. No wonder so many Christians dry up fast….
Two scenario:
So chai: Oh God, I got so many talents. I can sing so well. Please let me serve as worship leader in church. I will be so good, many people will love me!
Ho Kia: Oh God, I lay myself before your altar, and allow you to use me in any way you see fit. Take me as I am, use me that You may be glorified.
And then I also learned about worship. What’s worship anyways? People always say well, it’s a lifestyle la. Well, how much more vague can one get. Here’s what Rev Kong Hee has to say:
1) Worship is waiting upon the Lord. To wait upon the Lord means literally means to entwine yourself around the presence of God. Imagine God’s presence is coming down like cloth, you know those Chinese kungfu shows, always got fighting scenes or romantic scenes in between lots of red cloth hanging from the ceiling? Well, something like that, and worship is like you entwine yourself around the cloth which signifies God, and simply wanting to stay in that position of worship.
2) Worship is undistracted focus on God. It’s like plugging into God, and you’re not getting input from elsewhere. He gave examples of people going for Worship concerts to worship Worship and not God….people who jump and sing and have fun in a worship concert like it’s another Rock concert, and when the sermon comes, which is the message of God, the people lose focus and go elsewhere, do other things etc….
3) Worship is Extravagant Adoration of God. To prostrate oneself and to lean to kiss the feet of Christ.
4) Worship is unconditional sacrfice to God. We can give many things in worship, our time, our money etc etc. But the ultimate sacrifice is our own life.
Romans 12
Place Your Life Before God
1So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life–your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life–and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. 2Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.
Wow, the whole event seems like so short. Although the service didn’t end till past 11pm. But even then, people wanted to stay for more of God! It’s simply awesome.