Have you ever emailed people urgent and important mails and never get a reply? And then you have to call the person just to ask if the person has read your email? What the heck? Why have email in the first place?? Is it so hard to just leave a short reply to tell your sender you’ve read that important email and will get back to them soon? Do you need to wait until the person calls you then only you tell them whatever is being asked through the phone? This isn’t directed to anybody in particular but to all peoples with this kind of attitude. I think it’s ok if you’re busy and haven’t read your emails, but it’s not ok if you’ve read it and yet act like you haven’t. I hate calling people, (dunno why, phone phobia after having worked in a callcenter in the past) and I prefer communication via email. After all, emails has been created for such a time as this. I use my Gmail sometimes like a Chat client with my mates who can’t use chat in the office. We reply immediately, at least within the day of receiving it. This reminds me, I gotta reply some mails.
[…] Leonalim.com ” Just Reply Lar reddit_url=’http://www.baby-parenting.com/baby/babyname/Lar’ reddit_title=’Baby name meaning and origin for Lar’ […]
lol, guess i’m one of such…sometimes