PPS Birthday Bash report

The PPS Birthday bash was, summed up in one word. “HOT!” You can literally apply that word to anyone or anything on that nite, would you agree? Anyways, it was great fun to even just see people that we only read about.


This is what I had:
al frutti di mare 21.50
mixed seafood with tomato and white wine sauce topped with parmesan cheese

Lots of ‘superstars’ were there, and many were there to meet up and have some fun. We wined and dined till tennish, when the awards were presented. So, it was obvious who won even before results were announced.

Aiz as the founder of PPS given the honour of preaching a speech.


Mack happy to get the crowd wild.


Neophyte Blog of the Year Goes to…

Simon of Like That Also Can ah

*Photo removed. Thanx minishorts. Wasn’t aware of that.

Ping of the Year

JeffOoi of Screenshots


And of coz, last but not least, The Blog of the Year goes to

KennySia of Coconut Fame


Kenny gave a long humble speech just to let us know how undeserving he is of this award, and he even humbly decline to strip for the wild crowd of bloggers, despite the fact that it would prove his point about the legendary coconuts.

Anyways, all in all it was a great historical night. Can’t wait to read about it in the papers. More pics here.

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