Of routine work and puke

This morning I’m just doing some very routine repetitive work. I’m scanning pages of text with OCR software, and then editing it. Guess what, I dunno why but I absolutely HATE scanning! I’m not talking about scanning people kind of thing, that would have been fun.

But just scanning rows and rows of text, having to change the messed up words to readable stuffs, it’s like open the scanner cover, arrange the paper on it, closing it, press scan, wait for the light to slowly scan thru for like half a minute…wait and wait…open it, turn the pages, arrange the paper on it, closing it, press scan, wait for the light to slowly scan thru for like half a minute…wait and wait…open it, turn the pages, arrange the paper on it, closing it, press scan, wait for the light to slowly scan thru for like half a minute…wait and wait…open it, turn the pages, arrange the paper on it, closing it, press scan, wait for the light to slowly scan thru for like half a minute…wait and wait…

Urgh, do you feel like puking now? So I have fishes swimming in my head, or are the rays from the scanner is eating my brain?

3 Responses to Of routine work and puke

  1. i understand how you feel. occasionally i’d have to help my over pampered end users scan their stuff. sometimes when it’s just text like those of standard A4 format with no fancy formatting, i’d rather type the whole thing myself. a heck of lot faster. or i’ll tell them how the OCR suck and persuade them to accept the scans as JPEGs. overall scanning documents simply suck. LOL

  2. hi.. nice site u have.. hehe.. i was just searching for people with the same name as me.. and i stumbled upon ur website.and so happen u live in malaysia as well. well that’s all .. have a nice day…

  3. I usually think that scanning is okei work, until this story that is 😉 Now I think it will be a while to next scan – just in sympathy with you 😀

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