Outdoor Sun and Rain

Outdoor worship

Originally uploaded by Leona.

It was real fun today when the electricity decided to go off in church morning service. The aircond in the sanctuary wasn’t working so we decided to move to the refreshment hall outdoors where the fans were still working.

For me it was really refreshing as it feels like God was messing up our normal services that runs according to our time and schedules, and just moving the church our of their comfort zones, putting us into the hot and rainy outdoors. In this way, I feel really tested, do we still praise and worship God when we are not comfortable?

It was really encouraging to see most of the church still praising God wholeheartedly, some even standing under the drizzling rain and the sun…

One Response to Outdoor Sun and Rain

  1. HI!
    Just dropping by on my tour of good blogs 😀 Glad to see the service went well, I love to be outside; it gives the service a whole new dimention – so close to God’s creation. But we don’t do it often either (most of the time it is simply too cold, espessially for the old in our congregation)
    Have a good week!

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