Many bloggers would have heard about Friendster Blogs powered by Typepad. Basically the service is available only to Americans and probably Canadians for now. Izuan pointed out on Itchyhands that just like Hotmail, we just need to change our profile location to USA to get the privilege of a blog on Friendster.
I don’t need another blog, neither do I need so many email accounts, but I tried it out anyways. Apparently, it still works….with a few tries. Check out my Friendster blog. After signing up, I tried changing my profile back to Malaysia. I can’t get to the edit page from my Friendster account after that, but I had bookmarked the link, and the site still exists.
I’m gonna see how long it takes before Friendster realise and do something about it, if they ever will. Or else I’m just gonna have another blog. If you’re an avid blogger and coder, you would think the interface is way too simple. Not much can be done on it, besides simple basic blogging.
Oh really, it still works? My friend told me to try Christmas Island, which worked before, but didnt seem to work for me.
You also get a Discussion board and photo album, pretty cool i guess. But friendster is already on it’s death bed.
Pretty cool, that’s right, but I still prefer WP. Friendster is dying? How is that?
I think Friendster is pretty much alive and kicking, at least over here but I do know some ppl getting bored of it. Maybe that’s the reason. Anyway I still think it’s a great way to keep in touch, esp those that update their profile occasionally. Ehm friendster blog?? Yup it’s kinda cool ^_^
where can i add this script?
Is this friendster blog upgraded?…if not, can u please tell me where can I place all the scripts to enhance the page per se…please send me an e-mail regarding this matter(if you don’t mind).Thank You very much…
Sorry, but topic starter, you are sure?