Poipet anyone?

On April 16-25, I will be going on my first overseas mission trip to Cambodia. Relatively new in this, yet I am put in charge of Childrens Ministry over there, maybe because I’m like the second oldest in the team. Anyways, I love children, especially needy, poor children. These are the children that need the most love, encouragement, comfort and friendship from us.

So, far we’ve only gone through our third meeting and practice, but things had been going well. By the grace and providence of God, we were able to raise a substantial amount in church to cover part of our expenses. Nevertheless, we still need a whole much more for our team’s expenses…needless to say, most local university students live on a tight budget. To suddenly come up with about RM1000 each person, can be pretty tough on our part.

To get more news and detailed journaling about our meetings, check our my team member’s site. Joanna together with Adeline, are the only girls going with me in a team of nine people. Guess there’ll be much bonding to do :). Joanna is this really cute girl who probably will be the entertainment of the whole trip, she can’t stop making us laugh, which is a great thing, considering the trials we all have to face.

What we need most now probably are prayers. Please pray for our spiritual walk with God, our finances, our fund raising, and God to provide souls to us while we’re there.

3 Responses to Poipet anyone?

  1. Leona!
    I should’ve figured you’d have a blog of your own! You’re so much more IT and internet savvy than I am! I’ve just read this one post but rest assured! I shall be a faithful reader here! Glad that you’re blogging bout Cambodia too. It will be great to read your take on things and maybe (with your permission ofcourse) I can add some of it to my hardcopy archive of MT Cambodia.

    Definately lots of bonding to do and I am looking forward to getting to know you better!

    Now you’re putting me under preassure 😛 like I am the entertainment! I think you guys will have to be more upbeat and help me to be strong cause my biggest fear is that I may end up crying or breaking down when I see children living in bad conditions and all that prostitution. 🙁

    Anyways, on a lighter note! Well done on the blog! 🙂 MUAXXX

    P.S: please do leave a tag or something on my blog next time girl! I wanna know who’s visiting me there 😉

  2. Let me know girl before yoru trip again in case I forgot about the date. Yeah I’m gonna pray for you all!!

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