Dragon Fly

Dragon Fly

Originally uploaded by Leona.

I always wanted to capture dragon flies…they are such unique creatures…

This one likes sitting on top of my mum’s lotus plants and eating the tiny seeds…I think this is bad for the plant…but nevertheless it’s God’s beautiful creature.

6 Responses to Dragon Fly

  1. ya i tot blue DF was nice….stop on my body…yea can be very geli. if they are indoors, flying frantically, i would try to avoid them

  2. i used to catch small dragonflies flying among the ‘kembung’ plant (forgot actual name liao) in the longkang besar in front of my house with my siblings when i was little. the bluish-white ones were rare and we would get v excited when we see one and try our best to catch it.

    the small ones v nice and beautiful but the big ones v scary.

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