Seeing thru the other eye

seeing thru the other eye

Originally uploaded by Leona.

Expectations…I used think that it’s stressful when somebody has high expectations of me. I always feel like I’m gonna fall short of people’s expectations and never live up to it. Well, it’s true that we shouldn’t have too high expectations of people, but neither should we expect nothing or have low expectations. In fact, we are always expecting something about everything.

Today I learn that we need to have expectations about people, good expectations that are not judgemental.

When we expect someone to be something that they may not be now, we are believing that person to become what our expectations of them are. I guess it’s the same principle in the case of teaching kids. When you call your kid stupid, they know you’ve got low expectations, therefore, they become what you expect them to be. However, even if your kid is slow, but you continue to encourage and speak believing words, like I believe you would be the best student in class, that expectation might transform into reality, or at least your kid would take your words as the inspiration to reach it.

Having said that, we are living in a society with two extremes. On one side are people who expect so much from their kids that they force their kids into doing things they wanted to do not what their kids really love to do. On the other end, are people who don’t believe their kids can do any good at all. It is said that Expectations impair others if set too low or too high for too long. (Bruce Wilkinson)

That comes back to the title, Seeing through the other eye. If we see through our human eye, our expectations of people are nearly always negative. However, seeing through the eyes of God, we can expect the best of a person. Christ never looked at a person’s past or even the present situation, but He sees the future, what He expected and believed we would be like eventually.

If we can only see what God sees in us, I believe we would reach higher heights coz we would know the purpose of our lives.

So if you’ve got a friend that you probably think can never change to be better, begin to expect changes, begin to encourage with endearment and beliefs.

However, this is not about trying to change somebody into your idealistic character. Man, that’s a whole different topic.

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