Could have been worse…

The last week could have been the worst week of the year. I just got back from Kuching last Wednesday…as usual my flight was delayed for 2 hours. However, I did get an sms from AirAsia as I was halfway to the airport, so it was still ok to turn back. At the terminal, the flight was once again delayed for half and hour. It wasn’t very nice as we had a friend waiting to pick us up in KLIA, so i didn’t like the idea of my friend waiting due to the delay. Nevertheless, I was pretty immune to such AirAsia delays after so many times. I continue to miss flying with MAS….

AirAsia offers no reasons for their delays. No logical at least that’s what I think. The captain that day was being extremely apologetic….saying it was due to weather…which I strongly doubt, since there wasn’t exactly a thunderstorm or anything. We were to be delayed further when on passenger went missing. Thank goodness he turned up shortly after the announcement…the captain wanted us to wave or clap as he entered, but people were just too tired to abide .

Upon arrival in KLIA, we waited for the longest time before the first luggage appears. I began to think that my luggage had dropped off the plane while in the sky…true enough my luggage went missing that night. I didn’t exactly have much valuables, the most valuable being my FZ3’s charger. We had to make a report with the ground staff and by then, had made my friend waited about an hour at the car park.

I quietly prayed that my luggage could be found, all my new year’s clothes and food was in there. The conpensation was RM48 per kg for Air Asia, I wondered if that could cover the luggage and its contents…

Thank God, that night itself the luggages were found. It was another trip back to KLIA the next morning, very early in the morning. I was tempted to ask the Air Asia staff to cover our 2nd trip expenses, or at least give a free ride back to Kuching, or even a free meal voucher at McD? Well, just dreaming….

One Response to Could have been worse…

  1. Ew, ew hate to think if the 3 packets of kolo mee you ‘tapau’ were inside your luggage. I hope my flight with airasia next week wouldn’t get delayed. >__

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