Digi cares, not so lousy webmaster, expensive concerts and too many clothes

David commented in my recent post Post this and Anders will give that DIGI has got a lousy webmaster for not posting the Tsunami donation link in their main site. I had bluntly agreed with him, not checking it earlier. Well actually, I realised he did post a link, but in the form of a popup. I was using Firefox, which block all popups unless stated, therefore I hadn’t seen the link. I bet the same case was with David. Anyways, sometimes popups works in catching the surfers’ attention, I guess. Sometimes, just plan annoying.

Nevertheless, DIGI does care, and it’s great to see for once, they are doing this effort for free, since all charges will be going into the fund as well.

Digi says:

# the normal SMS charge of RM0.15 still applies, but will be channeled as part of the donation
# your message will be published in The Star and aired on NTV7

Yeah you can even sms messages. Now, I’m not sure whether these charges will go to Digi or the Fund.

Anyways, start donating ya. No old tattered clothes please. Money first, others later. Saw on TV3 yesterday that there are too many clothes being given already, blame this on Malaysian sales. You can also bring clothes with customized t-shirt labels. I can imagine the headache the volunteers get when sorting out the clothes. Yearly, my church holds a charity drive for the poor, asking for people to donate food, clothes etc. But there are some who bring really old clothes, old enough to be used as rags. So, even sorting out that few packets can be a headache already.

Also, some local singers are coming together to hold a charity concert. The Star says:

“The concert, organised by Angela Leong, Dr Ruban Nathan and Harith, will be held at the Alexis Bistro Ampang (Great Eastern Mall, 303, Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur) on Friday and Saturday. Show starts at 9pm. Minimum donation (cash or cheque) is RM150, and it goes to the fund overseen by Mercy Malaysia. ”

Great effort guys, but I think the minimum of RM150 is a tad too much? I mean, it’s great that they are focusing on getting the maximum, but this might just deter those who can afford up to RM100 to go and support the cause. That’s just what I think.

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