New Year Eve in Kajang

Anneberit of Norway was curious how New Year Eve went in my little town of Kajang. Anne, had been meaning to blog about that, just too occupied with other things. 🙂

Anyways, quite a number of people came to church that evening, albeit a bit late, but still the whole sanctuary was filled after about an hour into the service. It was a 3 hour service starting at 9pm.

Things went as usual with performances by the children, the different services, and then my multimedia presentation. I mentioned before that I had prepared for the countdown multimedia too, but felt it was weird to go ahead with it, coz the mood that night was rather solemn too. Amidst running the multimedia, my youth pastor informed me to cancel the countdown, we were gonna pray pass midnite.

So, as senior pastor stepped on the pulpit, the message was definitely of the current event and how we as Christians have a responsibility to help and spread the love of Christ at the same time. We didn’t collect the fund that nite, but decided to have it collected on Sunday’s services, when there would be more people.

Anyways, we all prayed for God’s mercy, and many even got down on their knees. It was quite a humbling occasion, coz yeah, we seldom do that. But that night, many tears were flowing, as people remembered the Lord and cried out for the sakes of the victims, coz we all know, we are no better that those who perished. Some might perceive this as God’s judgement on the world, if so, we are just as unworthy and deserving. But this can’t be, coz God love everyone unconditionally and He loves all His creation the same. Therefore, we are all sad for this great loss.

Anyways, so we prayed pass midnite and later had some supper at church. That was how our New Year Eve went. However, I realise that not exactly the whole Malaysia was in Prayer as suggested by the PM or the media, take a look at Tv Smith.
In fact, I did hear much fireworks going off after midnite, tho not on the stroke of it.

Come Sunday, time for fund collection. Pastor even showed some video clips of the Tsunami in Patong and Indonesia, for those we do not have the internet nor the TV to know the magnitude of this disaster. Well, I guess many were quite generous that day. We have about 350+ people that day, and collected RM14000. (USD3657.15) Well not a whole lot, but not so bad la. I also heard that US had pledged 10 times more the original pledge to USD350 million. I hope that it is not merely a pledge, but that it is actually fulfilled.

2 Responses to New Year Eve in Kajang

  1. Hey, RM14000 is respectable ok. I contributed to that RM14k! I’ve got to re-budget my money for Jan too now.

    If you can’t afford to give much, you can even donate a few Ringgit through SMS. Details at this entry.

  2. Thanx for mention me in your post => And it was nice of you to let me know!

    Now I think I’m going to Blogroll you – then I can make a visit from time to time!

    Wish you all the best in the new year!

    anne berit ;o)

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