Malaysia cancelling all New Year Celebrations

Malaysia’s PM announced today that all New Year Countdown celebrations would be cancelled as the country goes into mourning for the victims of Tsunami all over the world. This is indeed a bold move by the PM as he boldly cancels events that have been planned for many, many months, that probably involved lots and lots of money, but anyways that’s not the point.

I agree that nobody can celebrate a Happy New Year amidst the sombre mood of probably the largest death toll caused by a single catastrophe, but at the same time, I also agree with Shelley that sometimes, musical concerts heals the soul and can be made a tribute to the lost. In fact, Shelley also suggested such concerts as major fund raisers. The UN reported that although funds have been pouring in from many generous donors, nevertheless billions more are needed not just to provide health care, food etc, but also to rebuild countries. In Malaysia alone, damage had been calculated to cost 100million. Where do we get this money?

I also believe that instead of totally cancelling all events, such events should be converted into prayer rallies or concerts. Prayer doesn’t need to be held just in quiet settings of mosques, churches and temples. Our God is Almighty and omnipresent, wherever we are He hears, He is a prayer answering God. This is not the time to segregate the country into separate religions, I believe nearly everybody believe there is a God, and I believe there really is just one God. Seek this God and He will answer you, whatever you proclaim to be.

Prayer concerts can be held with music. Why not let us use music to proclaim the message of love, hope and unity, of comfort and healing?

If you can offer help, please do so at these funds.

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God bless!

3 Responses to Malaysia cancelling all New Year Celebrations

  1. I share the same sentiments as you guys, I was also thinking that a charity fundraiser-cum-concert was a good way to help the victims. Following Thailand’s order to cancel all celebrations wouldn’t be a good idea anyways.

  2. I share your sentiment, we are all saddened at the recent tragedy and maybe yes celebrations should be cancelled but we all need a way to move on and celebrating life is a way for us to forge ahead plus your idea to turn those into rallies for funds is a good one.

  3. I’m shocked to hear this!!! Yes, I agree at this time, there’s more needs for people to get together, not for celebration but maybe to support and to create a certain bond to get thru this difficult period.

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