Malam Krismas 2004 UKM

PERKEB organised another successful Malam Kesenian Krismas (Christmas Nite) tonite. I skipped my Worship practice just to attend the musical, which I never missed since joining PERKEB (Persaudaraan Kristian UKM) many years ago.

This year’s show was exceptionally good. Finally the story has gone back to focus on the birth of Christ in the original Bible story. It was done comedy style which was all really funny yet meaningful at the same time. For the many years past, the story had always centred around campus life, the death of someone, trying to present the sacrifice as the sacrifice of Christ, but it had never really worked, especially since the same idea was reused many times.

This time, the dances and acting were all really great, something new. I totally enjoyed the show, and I must say Dectar was quite packed too.

We old dinosaurs of PERKEB were only a handful. Many of my old friends didn’t turn up this time, many faces were new and unrecognizable. Just reminds me of how old I am!

Nevertheless, thumbs up to the MK team!

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