Musiccanteen Christmas Album

Musiccanteen Christmas Album

Originally uploaded by Leona.

I had to take half a day’s leave today to go down to PJ to collect some tickets from Juwita, at the same time force my friend to buy me a Christmas gift!

So, I got this Musiccanteen Christmas album and it’s really good. If you haven’t seen the review articles last week in NST, do check it out. It features all our local Indie bands from the best of the best. This isn’t any other Christmas album, the carols are all rearranged into the pop/rock/alternative genres and sounded really good (!Some).

Take a listen at Musiccanteen. If you buy the album you also get downloadable freebies online, up to 15 indie artists’ tracks and some other stuffs.

There’s also a great Christmas concert happening in Glad Tidings PJ next week. Got myself some tickets thanks to Juwita, costs RM25 each…yea it’s for a fund anyways. Many musicians are performing, besides Juwita herself, there’s the Aseana Percussion Unit with Mark David, and even the Msian Idols, Jac, Nikki and Andrew. I’m sure it’s gonna be great.

Let’s get into the Christmas mood. But don’t forget it’s all about Jesus!

Filed Under: Art

8 Responses to Musiccanteen Christmas Album

  1. Cool! I am going for the concert at Glad Tidings too! Heard the previews of this Musiccanteen Xmas album, quiet good actually. How much did you get it for, by the way? =)

  2. Hi celestine, I got the album at MPH 1 Utama for only RM29.90. Oh actually I didn’t buy it, made my fren buy it for me! In return I had to buy her one! Yes it’s really really good. Not just good to listen for Christmas time only.

  3. I bought 5 copies and sent 4 to my friends overseas. It’s so different and fun to listen. Thank you for telling me.

  4. Hi Leona! I’m from Brazil and thisn kinds of CD’s are very rare to find here. Could you send me a link to download by Rapidshare or Megaupload to download this album. I would love it and i would be very thankful to you. Please, answer me!!!! I’ll wait for her answer!!!

  5. One more thing that i forgot to say: I found this album to buy in Amazon and CD universe, but the album is not more avaliable! A pity!!! 🙁 PLEASE, HELP ME!!! Send me a link to downlaod this album, by the love of Lord!!!

  6. CORRECTION: One more thing that i forgot to say: I’ve search for this album to buy in Amazon and CD Universe, but the album is not more avaliable to buy! A pity!!! 🙁 PLEASE, HELP ME!!! Send me a link to download this album, by the love of Lord!!!

  7. Leona,

    Where’s the link to download the album that you promise to me? I’m still waiting? This is takes so long…

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