Story Threading

Hey, anyone ever played this educational game in school before, one person is asked to start a story, probably a line or two, the next person continue the story and make it as interesting as possible. I used to love this game, not really a game, but more a class lesson. My Ah mo teacher used to enjoy listening to our silly stories, most of the time going from one extreme end to another. Gosh how we laugh ourselves silly!

I got an idea, why don’t I start a story, and whoever’s got an inkling to continue with a paragraph or two, just do so…try to leave the story open to new possibilities…not better, just write whatever comes to your mind. Cool? Let’s get it started!

Sheila realised she was late when she woke up this morning. She hated being late, it is so unlike her. Rushing like a mad cow, she tried getting herself ready, cleaning up, making up, getting all the stuffs ready. There’s nothing like today. Intuition tells her something exciting is going to happen today.

16 Responses to Story Threading

  1. But just as she was stepping out of her house, she realised that…her stocking wasn’t a matching pair, one black and the other beige. So she went into her house again and changed it, and as she closes the door the second time, the house phone began to ring.

  2. She walked back into the house, picked up the phone, and *poof* she has exited the Matrix. She’s back in the Nebuchnezzar.

    P/S – Typically in a class, when this game is initiated, girls in the class got lots of lengthy thing to say, and then the guys in the class will throw the whole story off course just to irk the girls. :p

  3. As she tried to re-orientate herself, she heard voices coming out of the mess. She walked towards the sounds but halted suddenly as she heard these words:

    “She always goes on and on about her mismatched socks. So irritating – I say we kill her. Today.”

  4. She looked down.. a pair of red and green socks adorned her size 5 feet.How’d that got down there she thought to herself. As she peered to see who the voices belonged to it came to her.. what if they see me?

  5. then suddenly super power woman came… flying with de wings so wide! she ask is there anything i can help u? i c u crying up from de sky…!poor child..!

  6. “Oh super power woman – I have been so wronged. My socks don’t match and people don’t like me. Sob … Sob they want me killed. Won’t you avenge poor old me?” Sheila gushed as she peered from her pitiful eyes ala Puss in Boots from Shrek2.

  7. Frantic, Doodoo ran towards the phone. “Operator, I need an exit!” was what she thought she said but what came out was some growling and whining sound. “Damn!”

  8. Suddenly, before Doodoo could think of a plan, she noticed a cat on the fence outside. ‘It’s taunting me, the little bastard,’ she thought, then felt surprised for even having such a thought. ‘I like cats,’ she thought to herself. ‘Why would I have such a mean thought about this one?’ Her answer came when her canine instincts suddenly curled her mouth into a frightening snarl and sent her hurtling back out the door.

  9. She sprung toward the cat, aiming for the jugular, when suddenly she heard a voice saying “Look at that dog, it has mismatched socks”. Distracted, Doodoo fell to the ground (painfully) as the cat scurried off with an annoying sort of yowl that only cats produce. Doodoo lifted up her legs to examine them and realised that she was brown all over, except for her two hind legs; the left being black and the right a splotchy beigeish colour. “Good lord,” she thought. “Even as a dog i’m cursed”.

  10. “Let’s go get her!” the voice suddenly said.

    Doodoo, Sheila the human in a dog’s body, panicked on hearing that and began scampering towards the opposite direction of the voice. Suddenly, she heard:

    “Do not be afraid. Remain where you are.”


    Note: I had to edit to remove the word “cepat” (in English) from my entry because it was deemed a questionable. ?????

  11. Leona’s open-source story
    Leona’s trying out an experiment in collaborative story-telling over at her blog. Do participate, for I’m curious as hell to see how (and where) the story will go…. Link: Story Threading….

  12. Hey, anyone ever played this educational game in school before, one person is asked to start a story, probably a line or two, the next person continue the story and make it as interesting as possible. I used to love this game, not really a game, but more a class lesson. My Ah mo teacher used to enjoy listening to our silly stories, most of the time going from one extreme end to another. Gosh how we laugh ourselves silly!
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